Classified Members

Classified Contract

You may read the current classified contract by clicking here. Note: This posting is the latest contract approved by the school board in July of 2023.

Salary Schedules

You may check the current certificated salary schedules by clicking here.

Catastrophic Leave

The Catastrophic Leave program is for employees who have a major illness or extended time off from the job. Other union members may donate to a bank, or a specific employee, days of their leave for the other member to use. It is designed to aid the unit member once their sick leave has been exhausted. Refer to the contract, article 11.14 (page 30) for more information. Layne McLean (FHS) is the current chair of the Catastrophic Leave bank and any questions should be directed to him. Catastrophic Leave Request Form: pdf version here.

Curent Year (24-25) MOU's

Periodically, the District and the Association see the need to sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). These are for special areas that fall outside the contract, but that both parties agree to do. Typically MOU's are reviewed each year and if they are a practice that both parties wish to continue, then they go through the negotiations process, and become a permanent part of the contract. As MOU's are signed during the 24-25 schoolyear, they will be posted in this space.